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Barring Who We Are: Prison from Turtle Island to Palestine
From political rhetoric to the popular imagination, prisons are presented as key social institutions and incarceration as a necessary tool for maintaining civilized life. But are they? What if, instead of imagining prisons as frightening but essential places, we understand them as institutions key to defending and extending white supremacy, settler colonialism, and capitalist exploitation? Drawing on examples from Turtle Island to Palestine, this panel explores…
Find out more »Screening: Trouble Episode 1
The Radical Imagination Project Presents Trouble Co-sponsored by Autonomy East Join us for screenings of the new social justice documentary series Trouble produced by subMedia. Screenings will be followed by facilitated discussion. Free and open to all. Trouble #1: Killing the Black Snake (29 minutes) Central Branch Library, Room 301 The first episode of Trouble looks beyond the mainstream narratives surrounding the Standing Rock encampment to get a better understanding of some of the camp’s overlooked dynamics, including serious disagreements…
Find out more »Screening: Trouble Episode 2
The Radical Imagination Project Presents Trouble Co-sponsored by Autonomy East Join us for screenings of the new social justice documentary series Trouble produced by subMedia. Screenings will be followed by facilitated discussion. Free and open to all. Trouble #2: Bash The Fash (30 minutes) Central Branch Library, Room 301 In the wake of Trump’s ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism, Islamophobia, transphobia, violent misogyny, and anti-migrant hysteria is rapidly coalescing into a growing movement that…
Find out more »Why Don’t the Poor Rise Up?: Organizing the Twenty-First Century Resistance
Join us for the Halifax launch of Why Don't the Poor Rise Up?: Organizing the Twenty-First Century Resistance (2017, AK Press). The launch will feature a panel discussion focusing on the question of when, how, and under what conditions exploited and oppressed peoples rise up to create radical and revolutionary social change. Our featured panelists are Jackie Barkley, Brad Fougere, El Jones, Lynn Jones, Catherine Martin, and Ardath Whynacht. The panel builds on the recently completed "For the Long Haul"…
Find out more »Screening: Trouble Episode 3
The Radical Imagination Project Presents Trouble Co-sponsored by Autonomy East Join us for screenings of the new social justice documentary series Trouble produced by subMedia. Screenings will be followed by facilitated discussion. Free and open to all. Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome (34 minutes) Central Branch Library, Lindsay Children's Room In this episode of Trouble subMedia interviews a number of individuals from around the world who are helping to chart a course for the future based on living practices of solidarity…
Find out more »Screening: Trouble Episode 4
The Radical Imagination Project Presents Trouble Co-sponsored by Autonomy East Join us for screenings of the new social justice documentary series Trouble produced by subMedia. Screenings will be followed by facilitated discussion. Free and open to all. Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us (31.5 minutes) Central Branch Library, Lindsay Children's Room In this episode of Trouble subMedia interviews a number of individuals engaged in legal defence and prisoner solidarity, and looks at some of the ways we can begin…
Find out more »Screening: Trouble Episode 5
The Radical Imagination Project Presents Trouble Co-sponsored by Autonomy East Join us for screenings of the new social justice documentary series Trouble produced by subMedia. Screenings will be followed by facilitated discussion. Free and open to all. Trouble # 5: You Are Being Watched (34 minutes) Central Branch Library, Room 301 In this episode of Trouble subMedia interviews a number of individuals about their experiences of dealing with infiltrators and informants and looks at some of the ways that we…
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