FB event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/1458571954401513/
The Peoples’ Social Forum (peoplessocialforum.org) promises to be the largest gathering of social movements in recent Canadian history. From August 20-24 tens of thousands of activists and organizers will be in Ottawa to discuss common issues and build stronger solidarities, including a sizable delegation from Halifax.
Join us on the evening of August 9 at the Company House (2202 Gottingen St.) to help raise funds for our delegation, and to participate in a discussion of the potentials and possibilities the Peoples’ Social Forum.
- What can we hope for coming out of the Peoples’ Social Forum?
- What role will the Forum have in struggles here in Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia)?
- What are the limits of social forums like these, and what can we learn from the experiences of others?
Our panel includes:
- El Jones, Halifax Poet Laureate
- Billy Lewis, Mi’Kmaq elder
- Alex Khasnabish, professor, co-director of the Radical Imagination Project
- Tori Ball, Solidarity Halifax
Suggested donation/sliding scale: $5-10. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Organized by:
- The Radical Imagination Project (radicalimagination.org)
- The Peoples’ Social Forum Halifax Expansion Committee (http://facebook.com/PSFNovaScotia)
Would you like to attend the People’s Social Forum? Sign up or get more information about the Halifax delegation here: http://www.jotform.ca/form/41868906191262