Airing our differences
To give people a chance to really explicate the intricacies of what they model for a better society, I mean to some extent that’s good.
To give people a chance to really explicate the intricacies of what they model for a better society, I mean to some extent that’s good.
How can we build networks and systems that are completely autonomous that don’t rely on [the state or capital]?
I always think it’s really exciting when people…move…and I think that the key thing…[is] not necessarily to take them and show them exactly what to do, but [to show them] there’s no going back.
…I think this generation of activists has a body of knowledge based on the trajectory of things that have happened in the last thirty, forty years that you are actually more humble about.
Personally I’m really critical of [the belief that] in order to mobilize people [you] have [to] appeal to the lowest common denominator.
….I think there’s the whiteness of our movements and then there’s racism in Halifax and where the activist community fits in to addressing that.
I think that the left does suffer from too much…crippling talk.