Acting to win
….I think that the left needs to stop feeling like a perennial loser and start acting more like the obvious winn[ing] choice.
….I think that the left needs to stop feeling like a perennial loser and start acting more like the obvious winn[ing] choice.
I think that we…[talk so much] about tactics that we don’t ever talk about strategy
…I think that our strategy right now should be to be talking to people about what’s fucked about the system that we live in….[How] are you going to plug people into radical political movements?
…from our most individual and most intimate and personal relations all the way up to the most impersonal and macro social relations there’s something wrong here and that it’s a change at all levels that’s going to be required…
…I think the left is the weakest it’s ever been since the rise of capitalism in a lot of ways.
…we rankle at the idea of simplifying things for good reasons.
[I spend] a lot of time networking with people and trying to be inspired by others…