Coexistence without domination
To me winning would be being able to live life without feeling like I owe something…
To me winning would be being able to live life without feeling like I owe something…
I think the world is pregnant with dangers, to use an unfortunate metaphor, it’s pregnant, it’s full.
Maybe I am more confident that I’m going to see the end of the world in some sense than I actually am that I’m going to see the end of capitalism.
I really don’t like utopian thinking because I really don’t think if we were to beat back the forces of global capital that that would result in paradise on earth.
I think that it’s sad that this is the way it is but I feel like people won’t unite as a whole until something cataclysmic happens.
[What] if we redeveloped our own local economies in North America and supported ourselves on the basis of what we could grow and what we could produce in our own countries so that we wouldn’t have to be continuously stealing resources from other countries and employing people in other countries?
If nobody does anything then what is our future going to look like?