Difference and possibility
Difference and possibility I19 Jan. 29, 2015 I think imagination…[is] the ability to think of something different, to enact something different, to believe that something different is possible.
Difference and possibility I19 Jan. 29, 2015 I think imagination…[is] the ability to think of something different, to enact something different, to believe that something different is possible.
You fight anyway.
It’s easy to be angry, and rant, and say the things that you don’t agree with but when [do] you take the next step of, okay, how can we build something new?
Everyone, for reasons that were completely ahistorical, is really surprised by the emergence of things like the black bloc or…the Ya Bastas from Southern Europe. There was…this moment where everyone was like, ‘oh! Where did all of this come from?’
[it] was very interesting…and inspiring to see Six Nations, which is this Indigenous group that has the oldest surviving democratic constitution in the world, who have been actively fighting colonialism for five hundred years, who have retained a great deal of their culture in the face of genocide, and still works by those sorts of principles that we were trying to discover in 2001.
Dystopia is a control mythology
imagination is…a people’s spirit to resist and live otherwise than they do right now.