Winning without utopia
I really don’t like utopian thinking because I really don’t think if we were to beat back the forces of global capital that that would result in paradise on earth.
I really don’t like utopian thinking because I really don’t think if we were to beat back the forces of global capital that that would result in paradise on earth.
….I think that the left needs to stop feeling like a perennial loser and start acting more like the obvious winn[ing] choice.
….I am a radical in that I would prefer there to be a destruction of capitalism….
You can’t sustain a white-hot movement indefinitely without becoming an institution.
If I try and think about what it would mean to win, I just can’t, it’s not possible for my brain to think about that and so anything that comes short of having won is then a failure.
I think that the future looks grey.
…from our most individual and most intimate and personal relations all the way up to the most impersonal and macro social relations there’s something wrong here and that it’s a change at all levels that’s going to be required…