Doing it ourselves
We’ve already been compromised and co-opted…[b]ut out of that…I think movements will continue to grow.
We’ve already been compromised and co-opted…[b]ut out of that…I think movements will continue to grow.
…all these groups…really need to have a strong sense of community and a strong sense of solidarity so that they can mobilize.
…people have this sort of bunker mentality, I look after myself, I’ll do what I can for me and my family.
…the very ethos of this economy has to be overcome, has to be destroyed because as long as the economy is running on the basis of profit, and accumulation of wealth, and growth we can never achieve equality because it’s the antithesis of the system.
The problem today is that we don’t have a vision outside of the system.
…we might have to bite the bullet and become involved in reform activities which we have very little hope in.
Keeping socialist ideas alive I23 Jan. 29, 2015 You can’t let socialist ideas die because we still have capitalism and capitalism is unsalvageable, corrupt, it’s rotten, terrible, crisis-ridden system and should be changed.