Launching Max Haiven’s Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons in Halifax, NS
Saturday, March 29, 2014 – 2:30pm – Dalhousie Art Gallery, 6101 University Avenue – free and open to the public
Part of Powershift Atlantic (http://www.wearepowershift.ca/powershift_atlantic)
- Books will be available for sale from Fernwood Books
- Books can be purchased at Bookmark II on Spring Garden Road as of April 2014.
Today’s ecological crisis is also a crisis of the imagination, a crisis in the way we interpret and act in the world. Transforming the imagination is key to transforming our world. Join us for a panel discussion to launch local professor and activist Max Haiven’s (maxhaiven.com) new book “Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons” and discuss how we can envision a different society based on sustainability, solidarity and social and economic justice.
- Max Haiven
- Phanuel Antwi
- Martha Steigman
Today, when it seems like everything has been privatized, when austerity is too often seen as an economic or political problem that can be solved through better policy, and when the idea of moral values has been commandeered by the right, how can we re-imagine the forces used as weapons against community, solidarity, ecology and life itself?
In this stirring call to arms, Max Haiven argues that capitalism has colonized how we all imagine and express what is valuable. Looking at the decline of the public sphere, the corporatization of education, the privatization of creativity, and the power of finance capital in opposition to the power of the imagination and the growth of contemporary social movements, Haiven provides a powerful argument for creating an anti-capitalist commons. Capitalism is not in crisis, it is the crisis, and moving beyond it is the only key to survival.
Crucial reading for all those questioning the imposition of austerity and hoping for a fairer future beyond it.
Free and open to all.