Canada in Africa book launch

Join the Radical Imagination Project and the International Development Studies department at SMU for the launch of Yves Engler’s newest book Canada in Africa: 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation.
Join the Radical Imagination Project and the International Development Studies department at SMU for the launch of Yves Engler’s newest book Canada in Africa: 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation.
The Radical Imagination Project and Fernwood Publishing are pleased to host the launch of independent journalist Miles Howe’s new book Debriefing Elsipogtog: The Anatomy of a Struggle.
The first Radical Imagination Festival, held September 19 and 20, 2015 at the Bus Stop Theatre in Halifax, was a great success. We’re very pleased to share the audio archive here A huge thanks to Pierre Loiselle, the audio engineer. The Radical Imagination Festival Series: Subtitle: Social movements, the radical imagination and the struggle…
Facebook Event Page: Join us at the People’s Social Forum in Ottawa for a joint book launch and discussion with the authors! ANOTHER POLITICS: Talking across Today’s Transformative Movements, by Chris Dixon ( THE RADICAL IMAGINATION: Social Movement Research in the Age of Austerity, by Max Haiven and Alex Khasnabish ( UNDOING BORDER IMPERIALISM,…
On June 12, at 7pm, we’re pleased to be co-sponsoring an exciting event: A screening of Halifax-based film-maker Martha Stiegman’s new film Honour Your Word (more info here: (trailer here: and The launch of Cinema Politica’s new collection Screening Truth to Power: A Reader on Documentary Activism (click here for more info: The location: the NSCAD…
Launching Max Haiven’s Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons in Halifax, NS Saturday, March 29, 2014 – 2:30pm – Dalhousie Art Gallery, 6101 University Avenue – free and open to the public Part of Powershift Atlantic ( Books will be available for sale from Fernwood Books Books can be purchased at Bookmark…
We are please to co-host a launch of A.L. McCready’s new book Yellow Ribbons: The Militarization of National Identity in Canada (, published by Fernwood Books. Tuesday, December 3, 5-7pm At 1313 Hollis St in downtown Halifax (map: Free and open to the public Facebook event: McCready will give a talk on the…