Cybersecurity for Activists (Trade4Change Workshop)

Learn how to defend yourself from cyberattacks and surveillance.
Learn how to defend yourself from cyberattacks and surveillance.
Screening: Gulabi Gang Dir. Nishtha Jain, 2012, 96m March 21, 6:30pm – Paul O’Regan Hall Enter the badlands of Bundelkhand in central India and you have entered a place of desolation, dust and despair. And yet it is hope that we discover as we follow the pink sari-clad women of Gulabi Gang. These women travel…
The Radical Imagination Project is delighted to be once again partnering withCinema Politica and the Central Branch of the Halifax Public Library to curate a series of provocative documentary films to Halifax from September to December 2015. These films focus on key contemporary issues and will be followed by moderated discussions. Monday, September 21, 6:30pm – Central…
The Radical Imagination Project is delighted to be once again partnering with Cinema Politica and the Central Branch of the Halifax Public Library to curate a series of provocative documentary films to Halifax from September to December 2015. These films focus on key contemporary issues and will be followed by moderated discussions. All Screenings are free and open…
These documentary films explore the how new technologies and global-scale problems pose hard questions for today’s society. Join us for provocative documentary films, followed by moderated discussion. A collaboration betweenThe Radical Imagination Project and the Cinema Politica Network and the Halifax Public Libraries. More information: All screenings are held at the new Central Branch of the…
Thursday, April 3, 7pm at the Dalhousie School of Architecture auditorium. The creative commons documentary Preempting Dissent (2014) builds upon the book of the same name written by Greg Elmer and Andy Opel. The film is a culmination of a collaborative process of soliciting, collecting and editing video, still images, and creative commons music files…
The Radical Imagination Project is thrilled to host radical Vancouver-based author and organizer Harsha Walia, who is launching her new book Undoing Border Imperialism (AK Press, 2013). There will be two events on November 27, both of which will take place in room 303 of the Dalhousie University Student Union Building (map: 2:30-4:00pm – “Anti-oppressive…